plantally podcast

Playfully playing a part without feeling apart. A channel for nature, climatising with consciousness and helping to normalise a natural state of being. Dive in for deep discussions.

Huni Kuin
indigenous tribal sharing from the Amazon of Brazil.

season 02, episode 09:
lady of the holy cobra

Arhuaco (ikū)
indigenous tribal sharing from the Sierra Nevada, Colombia.

season 03, episode 07
the lily of the lake

season four
The taproot grows downwards from the crown, and one could say that's quite the comedown. Living life from the heart means you must first resolve trauma, Sassafras helps here, in spirit a great informer. For the tree of life is but a mirror to the nervous system, when things align, you remember how much she missed him.
It's not easy I know, for the mind it tells you so, but when you bathe in the heart field, bad thoughts can be healed. To re-configure this geometric hologram, divine code from this sacred space program. For it's challenging to eye gaze when no-one's home, so welcoming this natural remedy for android syndrome.

episode 3
dew of the sea

Still blooming in the Winter, daylight makes way for dark night, an ethereal reminder of light that always inside shines bright. For this season in human history reflects a greater SAD and yet a character in this time, you chose to be. No fear of being forgotten, nor forgetting from where you came, keep the fire burning, this eternal flame.
No external blemishes nor internal inclusions, like an eternity ring reaching natural conclusions. Full passage of light, clarity inside and out, but colourless within to reflect full spectrum without. Yes, when you get out of your own way, for the light of life flowing, there’s no need to worry, for source is all knowing.
To truly feel everything, one must first be able to feel every thing, for from the deepest of wounds, rises the greatest of King. Purpose led, in service to the highest, quenching this thirst in the lands most driest.
season three
Streamline to fly through the membrane of the Sun, wings passed on from Mother to Son. Head of the Falcon, third eyelid closed but you still See, flying so fast through this great mystery. At one with Fire, yes you've walked the hot embers, the sole of each foot now warmly remembers. Journey of the Soul, so much to experience, but ready to return home in higher obedience.
In that quiet dark place, where words of Mother reassure, gently stroking her belly, delivers feelings so secure. Light might enter, filtered through skin, like the purest starlight now shining within. But there are other voices you might hear in this place, origin unclear from the vast outer space. They try to take-over, forcing their will and way, but by side of Mother you might be better to stay.
The masculine towering over their feminine mate, hostile takeovers, infant hostages they take. Patriarchal rule, certainly raising eyebrows, post-conflict affiliation, bound to arouse. Coercing her in and then maintaining possession, if she strays too far then active displays of aggression. Mental uneasiness, fear of rivalry, unfaithful mistrust that can soon become all fiery.

episode 10
leader of the pack

You can be heard in the moonlight howling, but See everything when dark night prowling. Animality, savagely showing teeth, covered with fur, but still human underneath. Half wolf half man, bitten by werewolf, what have they done. Now just a mere shadow of your former masculine self, but your original blueprint still sits on the cosmic bookshelf.

episode 09
queen of the pride

Felines certainly know how to rest, their sleeping skills have always humans impressed. Sleep comes easy when you’re not anxious or afraid, closing of eyes, no fear of sacred space invade. Such a close knit community, grouped together in pride, perimeters guarded by lions, raised by lionesses inside.
It's time to clear the Air, from all bad thoughts, and wishes, projections from the mind, direct hits and near misses. Spiritual mischief, influencing Earth experience, punishing those who dare, challenge in disobedience. Pulling inline, centred state of being, knowing right from wrong, before merging with all seeing.
Oh your heart shaped leaves floating gently on the surface, deeply revealing of a truer life purpose. Rooting in the mud, drawing down connection, calming demand for unmet sexual affection. But the phallus of your flower from the Water it soon bursts, reaching into the Air, tantric union it now thirsts.
Global warming, mercury rising, mining gold, so it's not surprising. What if it was put back inside the ground, no fortified vaults with armed guards around. Radiating love not hoarding wealth, for prosperity of people and planetary health. Gold backed currency, sacrilege your majesty, a gift from the Sun, but taken in dishonesty.
Three stomachs, but no gallbladder or teeth, swallowing stones to grind food in chambers beneath. The Ostrich may be the fastest animal on two legs, but it also has endurance, so long distance it soon spreads. Flight less, securely standing on two feet, threaten territory, her strength of legs you’ll soon meet.
Elecampane, what a wonderful name, blow darts from witches, yeah I know the pain. Poison arrows that's not elfkind, false propheteering, never you mind. Temptations of the Devil, follow our lead, Saint Elmo's fire, divine judgement indeed. Violet and blue glow, energised feeling, corona discharge, all very revealing.
Journey into the darkness, no candle light burning, sitting with shadows, their scary stories now learning.

Astral travel, in time and place, but you need to feel safe to move to next base. Receiving transmissions, psychic perception, pure filtered water, immaculate conception.
Changing its flight path, dexterous darting in the Air, responding to life, ahh now I'm moving over there. Because a rigid kind of mind, that's unable to think outside the box, tends to limit lifeflow, with its neurotic mental blocks. Molting of layers, rebirthing into new skin, welcoming the next round of growth to begin.
For many the golden thread to our sacred mother, it's worn thin and been tethered to another. Like an umbilical chord, always sending and receiving, synchronicity with life, current moment conceiving. So let's nurture and nourish this connection, returning childhood innocence through cosmic correction.
season two

episode 13
the serpent holder

Expelled from Eden, curse that serpent, caught in duality, downward descent. That slithering sneak, who whispered in your ear, the fall from paradise and sacred oneness held dear. But the tree of life, oh to feast on its fruit, savouring its sweet taste as immortality takes root.

episode 12
weed all about it

Possessed by their possessions and material impressions, easily weighed down with physical world obsessions. Keeping you in the shallows, spiritual life you soon forget, dumbing down sacred medicines for virtual reality headset. Bionic being, cyborgs rising, future for so many, false advertising.

episode 11
weavers of destiny

Hourglass figure, statement in red, your patient waiting is over, now crawl into my bed. Twice the size of her male counterpart, dominating his life soon becomes her art. But be sure to first check her web, to confirm she’s already eaten, or after sex you might become dinner, her feasting fangs to sweeten.

episode 10
oh for frog's sake

Indicator species, healthy environment showing, but where there's no frogs, toxicity might be flowing. Environmental pollution, but what's your solution. Bad radiation, low vibration, vaccinate them with your all natural creation. Sweat and purge that toxic intake, get it all out, for human's sake.
Royalty your majesty, golden guide this dynasty. Your fiery eye of the goddess protects, blue crown showing all-knowing respects. Coiled round and rooted secure, the sun disk you've grown to adore. But under Tyrannical rule, strike you will, for there's a strict vision you're here to fulfill.
The faintest movement, heard from hideaways, great detective of unconscious displays. Silently gliding, unseen shadow in the night, spying on all life with its binocular eyesight. Piercing through the darkness, so many different angles, offers new perspectives, old patterns now untangles.
Sacred sites once outlined with Pine, tribute to the stars in the way they align. What did the ancients know that many here no longer remember, seeded from the stars, Earth a galactic family member. Or maybe a story so many ignoring, like the Fibonacci sequence guiding nature's exploring.

episode 06
the god of dreams

Dark sub-conscious, wrapped tightly in cocoon, but one flap of Butterfly's wings can start a typhoon. From the heart of the Amazon to the lands that should be free, your horror stories repeating for many to now see. If all around is dark, maybe you're the light, similar words by Rumi, same reflection invite.
Your beak and talons can sure do harm, but feather needle stitches heal wounds like a charm. When you fly the upper path over lower level lessons, conflicts fall away and misery lessens. Sent down from the Sky, with love from Zeus, the Eagle has landed, spiritual message to produce.

episode 04

Might life be the master teacher, teasing our tenacity, as we fall back and surrender to its lifeflow. Managing to re-position perspective, welcome wisdom and lean on differing lens to learn the lesson. Over time, looking back, you will say dear heart look how we've changed. Truly human being.
Slithering snake cuts through hard Earth, from this a canyon with twin waterfalls birth. Then two hands appeared gently pulling apart, shortly after, the contractions would start. Shock waves through body, ready to deliver, love of the mother, the eternal giver. A baby was born, but this experience is traumatic...
Caapi, Chacruna and Ayahuasca as well, inviting your benevolence for malevolence to dispel. Twist, turn, untether and retie strands, innate restoration spiritual self understands. Coiled serpent awakens from its slumber, yes, you're so much more magical than a barcode number.

episode 01
tribal wave

Foreign to so many, impossibly improbable, but in a world where psychedelic seeking and new age movement now encourage obsessive over-taking medicines from rock, plant and animal and trusted custodians turn from wisely wild gathering to cultivating in expansive exportation eagerness, why wouldn’t it be called for?
season one

episode 13

Every ending is a new beginning. Here you have it, a purity of medicine, free from modification, filtered through the benevolent bedrock of spirit, unconstrained by damnation and lockdown lawmakers, sidestepping spiritual shutdowns and naturally open source for those open to source.
Quickly accumulating energies not of own, now needing to release and recharge through time spent alone. Unapproachable, a challenge to make eye contact, limiting others and their harmful impact. Everyone seems so loud and desperate to impress, overstepping to toxic excess.

episode 11
sending a raven

Scarred and sullied, ripped apart in the trenches, no recovery time to sit on the fences. Strengthening light and spiritual sight, wading in whether it's day or night. For those who are ready to reconcile with the light, these wings will open, together we'll take flight. Hold onto these feathers, preparing to rise.
Bringer of brotherhood and council Fire, Spiritual relationship with Earth is Tobacco's desire. But those rarely content with simple things, a hungry appetite this naturally brings. Feasting and binging on whatever they can take, but they'll soon learn this is a big mistake. Gut overwhelmed, instinct gone.
She’s a family protector, wise beyond her years, regulating high temperatures using those big ears. Largest land animal, too mighty to move out the way, commanding of space, not a word she needs to say. Guarding of the innocent, you shall not pass, laying down the boundaries, that’s her masterclass.
Those arms out like wings, ready to swan dive, born again as we come alive. But what of those who belly flop, into the sea of emotion they water drop. Panic attacks, full of worry, unsettled inside, with life they scurry. The mind forever doing its thing, but peace of mind it will seldom bring.
Purified Water reaches heart by blood flowing, moving to extremities for true feeling and knowing. Letting go of old emotions by resurfacing them once more, peeling back the petals to live as we did once before. Sighing and exhaling with every deep release, lightening the load and sense of peace.

episode 06
here comes the sun

Electricity shooting down beneath the feet, willing welcoming discharge into moist Earth it might meet. What when this energy simply can't ground. Triggering shock, system overload, shaking legs in panic mode. Trauma storage, frozen state, locked away for another date.
There's an opioid overdose epidemic encircling earth, offering that moreish bittersweet pain relief for those in grief. Might much of humanity be hurting, living lives far apart from heart, taught to sleepwalk, numb and overcome by what's been done, broken dreams with repeating themes.
Through the birth canal, surfacing from the sacred water of the womb, there are those who struggle to climatise and embrace the gravity of this place. Others become stuck unable to see up, forgetting the ease of floating on the breeze, why we've come and the clean up that needs to be done.
Arrhythmia, whispered Foxglove, as it appeared in my mind’s eye and my heart skipped a beat. Foxglove is no stranger to conspiracy, well-known to witches, capable of healing or hurting. A plant at the very root of pharmaceutical heart medicine and yet a no-go-to now for most herbalists.
How does one venture out into the world of the unknown, celebrate its beauty, brave what it brings, when mistrust of life has shifted inquisitivity into captivity. Life no longer able to effortlessly flow, this gentle life stream becoming a stagnating pool of what might have been.

episode 01

What if we were to gently chisel away at the layers of Western conditioning, successfully cemented in place by a society who proudly prizes the physical over the spiritual. And if the mind has more effect on the body than the body on the mind, what might the spirit be capable of?