the cactus of the four winds
~ positive premonition ~
episode 4
"In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order."– Carl Jung
White Eagle, Saint John soaring on sacred wing, paired with Saint Peter, oh Yes the mescaline you bring. Where true Christian lineage meets with indigenous line, blending of two worlds, these heartful expressions so divine. For this bright white light is birthed from same place, through stories and traditions, return home to origin we all trace.
Cloudy mist, cling film wrapped, healing layer, mountains snow capped. Yes, for I saw you Mamo, now’s not your time to go, there’s a mission underway, younger brother to now show. Inflammation of brain and spinal cord, laying of hands, true health restored. Divine will and channel for pure healing, when the two align, wow what a feeling. Miraculous recovery, rejuvenation, through clarity of Water comes true divination.
Looking down on your ribs, Star brotherhood, love for all life, the greater good. Now coming together, those wonderful rays, illuminating the sky to welcome new ways. Brought together here on Earth, but connected by Sky, uniting of poles, for above and below apply. The Saint that holds the keys to heaven, much more mysterious than eleven eleven.
It's quite the process to remain in this state, for much gets in the way of this godly gate. It's going to take some real teamwork, eye contact between masters, with a wink and a smirk. Awake in this game, whilst so many still sleep, trophies handed over at death, but spiritual progress you'll still keep. Divided by dress, united by mission, here to rekindle true human nature condition.
It's not easy I know, for the mind it tells you so, but when you bathe in the heart field, bad thoughts can be healed. All that you believe seems so real, life soon becomes quite the ordeal. But to re-configure this geometric hologram, divine code from this sacred space program. For it's challenging to eye gaze when no-one's home, so welcoming this natural remedy for android syndrome.
Nauseous inside, stomach upset, the same when you consume it let's not forget. Healing Earth from sickness and disease, while blowing through Water like a mountain breeze. Coughing up and purging out, so much within to now live without. Unconscious patterns, multi-dimensional frays, but now coming together to radiate truer displays. More and more fewer and fewer can resonate with your morphic field, provoking all existence, all falsities revealed. You know the truth where others lie, a deep sensitivity, no need to ask why.
Many extract, assimilate and then proceed to regurgitate, celebrated on stage an influencer who can only imitate. Yes, you've listened to the secrets, willingly shared by connection with another, those truly aligned with Grand Father and Mother. Scouring the internet, spellbound by social media, but your gut flora is not filled with benevolent bacteria. What on Earth do you now think you're going to do with this knowledge, self-claimed superiority or from its origin acknowledge. But what of the secrets only passed on by transmission, sacred stories spoken into being, securely contained by true tradition. Oh what a conflict for those who wish to see the world wonderfully change, destruction of nature and with it, spiritual exchange. Wisdom is written in Nature, her stories so eloquently told, but it's through evolution, her mystery must continue to unfold.
White Eagle, Native American master, Book of Revelation, before deliverance comes disaster. Prophetic visions that speak to this time, but you're flowing with true life, following pathway divine. White Eagle first appeared before me a long time ago, white headdress, spiritual lessons to show. He's been working the Kidneys, Water revitalising, your lower back pains surely recognising. Dream state active, memories streaming, safe passage through, delicately dreaming.
I work with who comes, from the purest of place, so this is always sacred medicine flowing through human race. No cultural misappropriation, an invitation from the highest, conducted from well beyond, this realm of cultural bias. Masters who stand together, from where karmic lines of life are drawn, dreaming into being through incarnate human form.
Chosen by the soul, tattood on the spirit, those tribal marks, across other body fill it. Read between the lines and you'll understand this story, life playing out between pre-determined territory. But is your lens marked by the beast or connected to divine light, starpoint meridians, higher centres glowing bright. For those stars that shine in the sky, connect to your human being, soulfully awakening storyline, so soon to be Seeing.
Ahh and to move through traditions, like the whispering wind kissing all mountaintops, bare-feet tenderly touching the soil, so there's no need for flip-flops. Walking the path, it's not necessary to look back or run on ahead, guidance flows in when you need it, so choose present moment instead.
These are my own insights, but a great beauty of life is that of perspective, so how might others respond to the spirit of San Pedro, unbeknownst to this being the spirit they are receiving. How might they perceive it through their six senses. And the lungs which fill from the joy of being alive, a life only to live, not a life solely to survive.
Cloudy mist, cling film wrapped, healing layer, mountains snow capped. Yes, for I saw you Mamo, now’s not your time to go, there’s a mission underway, younger brother to now show. Inflammation of brain and spinal cord, laying of hands, true health restored. Divine will and channel for pure healing, when the two align, wow what a feeling. Miraculous recovery, rejuvenation, through clarity of Water comes true divination.
Looking down on your ribs, Star brotherhood, love for all life, the greater good. Now coming together, those wonderful rays, illuminating the sky to welcome new ways. Brought together here on Earth, but connected by Sky, uniting of poles, for above and below apply. The Saint that holds the keys to heaven, much more mysterious than eleven eleven.
It's quite the process to remain in this state, for much gets in the way of this godly gate. It's going to take some real teamwork, eye contact between masters, with a wink and a smirk. Awake in this game, whilst so many still sleep, trophies handed over at death, but spiritual progress you'll still keep. Divided by dress, united by mission, here to rekindle true human nature condition.
It's not easy I know, for the mind it tells you so, but when you bathe in the heart field, bad thoughts can be healed. All that you believe seems so real, life soon becomes quite the ordeal. But to re-configure this geometric hologram, divine code from this sacred space program. For it's challenging to eye gaze when no-one's home, so welcoming this natural remedy for android syndrome.
Nauseous inside, stomach upset, the same when you consume it let's not forget. Healing Earth from sickness and disease, while blowing through Water like a mountain breeze. Coughing up and purging out, so much within to now live without. Unconscious patterns, multi-dimensional frays, but now coming together to radiate truer displays. More and more fewer and fewer can resonate with your morphic field, provoking all existence, all falsities revealed. You know the truth where others lie, a deep sensitivity, no need to ask why.
Many extract, assimilate and then proceed to regurgitate, celebrated on stage an influencer who can only imitate. Yes, you've listened to the secrets, willingly shared by connection with another, those truly aligned with Grand Father and Mother. Scouring the internet, spellbound by social media, but your gut flora is not filled with benevolent bacteria. What on Earth do you now think you're going to do with this knowledge, self-claimed superiority or from its origin acknowledge. But what of the secrets only passed on by transmission, sacred stories spoken into being, securely contained by true tradition. Oh what a conflict for those who wish to see the world wonderfully change, destruction of nature and with it, spiritual exchange. Wisdom is written in Nature, her stories so eloquently told, but it's through evolution, her mystery must continue to unfold.
White Eagle, Native American master, Book of Revelation, before deliverance comes disaster. Prophetic visions that speak to this time, but you're flowing with true life, following pathway divine. White Eagle first appeared before me a long time ago, white headdress, spiritual lessons to show. He's been working the Kidneys, Water revitalising, your lower back pains surely recognising. Dream state active, memories streaming, safe passage through, delicately dreaming.
I work with who comes, from the purest of place, so this is always sacred medicine flowing through human race. No cultural misappropriation, an invitation from the highest, conducted from well beyond, this realm of cultural bias. Masters who stand together, from where karmic lines of life are drawn, dreaming into being through incarnate human form.
Chosen by the soul, tattood on the spirit, those tribal marks, across other body fill it. Read between the lines and you'll understand this story, life playing out between pre-determined territory. But is your lens marked by the beast or connected to divine light, starpoint meridians, higher centres glowing bright. For those stars that shine in the sky, connect to your human being, soulfully awakening storyline, so soon to be Seeing.
Ahh and to move through traditions, like the whispering wind kissing all mountaintops, bare-feet tenderly touching the soil, so there's no need for flip-flops. Walking the path, it's not necessary to look back or run on ahead, guidance flows in when you need it, so choose present moment instead.
These are my own insights, but a great beauty of life is that of perspective, so how might others respond to the spirit of San Pedro, unbeknownst to this being the spirit they are receiving. How might they perceive it through their six senses. And the lungs which fill from the joy of being alive, a life only to live, not a life solely to survive.
* some participant names might have been changed for pen names.

Such intense bodily sensations. Nausea, heat like feverish, pain in my kidneys, feeling my body dense and compact.
At the same time felt like if I was purgando algo, like eliminating a layer that lay between I and I. Not so visual this time, very much in the body.
It’s hard, this. It’s deep, it’s so meaningful and so real. It’s unbelievable how intensely you can feel the energy, how profound the shift. I’m so thankful.

I know that everything is connected. Today I truly felt it in my body. Something that I will remember as long as I am in this body.
I feel how the mental chatter happens out of fear of fully dropping into heart. The fear of being far and the fear of being close. The fear of existence?
I might say this was one of the most profound experiences of my life.
Might my mind have surrendered? Might my heart have opened to an extend that goes beyond anything I thought possible? Might I have lost the fear of my own power?

Major healing, repairing and unwinding process of my physical body. Very strong buzzing all the time, wandering to spots of old injuries, doing repair. Specially right foot where a bone was broken 20 years ago. Right eye cleansing trauma from operation 50 years ago, repositioning my bladder, pulsing teeth, lot of saliva, jaw in new position. A fleshy plant growing its arms into me from my feet and taking over all body, curiously examining every corner. It feels like it‘s in my vessels and it feels like a safe embrace. Interlinked with nature, part of it. Inside is outside and vice versa. It‘s still working strongly on me, buzzing and ears ringing loud, head ringing loud. Very physical!

Started saw wolf circling on the ground. Felt intensity of energy gradually coming up through my body. Have felt cold, particularly in back, despite wearing a number of layers and house being warm. Gradually during session heat in back. Music seemed more intense, melodic, harmonious, experiencing it differently yet it’s the same music. At times felt like my body being played as an instrument, other times like orchestra being played through it.
Eagle also circling, though in the sky. Felt elements of water, fire, air and earth.
Third phase of music saw hermit/ preacher/prophet, paving the way and as it went on the eagle journeyed to meet him. Felt like a very significant coming together. Reminded of the white feather positioned in the centre of my doormat right at the beginning of this session. All felt quite monumental, harmonising

My experience in meditation was great for me, it was a moment of healing, and today I am really happy about it.
Mi experiencia en la meditación fue estupendo para mí, fue un momento de sanación, y hoy estoy realmente contento por eso.
Mi experiencia en la meditación fue estupendo para mí, fue un momento de sanación, y hoy estoy realmente contento por eso.

Massive magnetic energy at the start, cold shivers up and open body. Felt lifted by the arms slowly up. Still but also moving at times, then huge pulsing up and down legs and out feet, from base of spine pulsing out feet. Almost painful, still happening now. Huge qi out the meridians.

Whoa. big one over here. Vast horizon. The desert. Horse. I am the horse, not a human on the horse.
My head feels weird. 3rd dyd, it must be that. Like winds shifting around inside me.
As the horse I'm covering a lot of ground, very flat, the distance stands for moving great distances thru time. A child self, so sad. The horse, me, we stop and sniff and BE. The wind is such that if I breathe it in I too can be this gigantic entire earth, sky cosmos. The feeling that I have access to everything in the cosmos feels big and overwhelming, but also exciting. Feeling very emotional, racing through the emotions, one after the next, so they start to seem other to me, these emotions when experienced fast forward is just amusing. So why invest in any of them? They'll change and change again anyway. The little girl and the horse, no language but all the experiences of the senses.