born beneath the acacia

~ wait watchers ~
episode 13

podcast coming soon

"The desire to be loved is the last illusion. Give it up and you will be free."
– Margaret Atwood
Four rivers, four directions, like a compass, guiding course corrections. Yes, it's easy to fall out of balance in this world so changing, your emerald green sprigs, elements re-arranging.

There are many who look to human character form, in earnest to re-member ancient lineage bloodline born. But ancestral knowledge and those stories once told, shade from the Sun for the Acacia to hold. Oh dear doorkeeper, for you opened it all the way to me, but only for those gracefully grounded in this reality. Immortal soul many lifetimes flown, secrets of the universe, puzzle pieces once known.

Deeply rooted in arid land, under your evergreen umbrella many they stand. Strength of Sun, yellow flowering globe, like a golden light on continuous strobe. Pulsing waves, cosmically feeding, but with feet on the ground, so true lifestory leading.

Guardian and protector of knowledge and seeker, thorny branches wattled for in or out keeper. Held back by life and yet you try to force your way in, but there's another pathway past those lions twin. Simply stand before and prepare to be Seen, for the All seeing always knows where you've been.

Leaflets like feathers, bipinnate, gliding through life, no mortal fate. Land of the dead, to land of the living, but where is the end and where's the beginning. Born beneath the Acacia, you spread your wings, Sun godship for true queens and kings.

Streamline to fly through the membrane of the Sun, wings passed on from Mother to Son. Head of the Falcon, third eyelid closed but you still See, flying so fast through this great mystery. At one with Fire, yes you've walked the hot embers, the sole of each foot now warmly remembers. Journey of the Soul, so much to experience, but ready to return home in higher obedience.

Adoration of Mother, so proud of what you've become, agilely using these gifts, yes the darkness you've overcome. Honouring the Earth, for from it you were born, like Horus, bird-god, but in human form. The art of flight, both wings aligned, Earth Sky equilibrium, your chosen role to remind.

Born with spiritual power that none can deny, but the pain of being alive, so deep down you cry. Over my dead body, the Acacia grew, but it's from its branches the Falcon flew. Crown of thorns, ark of the covenant, burning bush so very relevant. Acacia wood, plated in gold, stored inside such secrets I'm told. But to hoard this knowledge and power, for secret society gain, hoodwinking human history, severing roots again and again. That period must now end, you've had your playtime, for these wings they now point to a one world heart paradigm. Careful as this storybook opens, for those not Earth rooted will be sprung into the Air, unable to reconcile, what's been really playing out down there.

Oh that burden of responsibility, weighing down on your shoulders, for this is the challenge here for those spiritual knowledge holders. Engulfed by flames, all that's no longer needed burned, take a deep breath, for that rite of passage you've now earned.

So I open my wings, white breast feathers so inviting, journey home with me through the Sun, its warm medicine uniting.

These are my own insights, but a great beauty of life is that of perspective, so how might others respond to the spirit of Falcon and Acacia, unbeknownst to this being the spirits they are receiving. How might they perceive them through their six senses. And whilst the Sun might Set it will always Rise, keep your eye on the horizon for higher knowledge other-wise.
* some participant names have been changed for pen names.
* no participants were informed that it was the spirit of Falcon and Acacia we were working with until after they had all shared their experience of the Session.


Left me speechless… I was somewhere else, didn‘t even get the first song from the playlist neither the last. I got my consciousness back and heard a song I didn‘t know. The name „path of love“ After some hours I „woke up“, with the feeling, as if I would breathe for the first time. I didn’t feel like I was sleeping what happened. I Had my mouth wide open. Breathing from it even though my nose was free to breath. My dry lips could tell it was open a long time. Lost completely track of time and senses of my body. Needed to really think, where I am. Started moving my fingers, felt so strange to have them „again“. Even closing the mouth in the beginning tool me time to connect with my jaw. As if I just arrived back into my body from somewhere else where I lost a body and now wonder how I got here?!


I was being cut down the middle and layers being peeled back, until they got to a small hollow - in it was translucent white light. Orion - intergalactic wars - I was a Commander. Healing of this time - it is now time. Another walks with me on this healing journey in this lifetime. We are intertwined. I see myself walking with a huge gold rock, I put it in a dark place, hidden, it sits in a metal type cage. It is me hiding the "gold" within me away, so as not to be seen. I myself today, go in and take the gold from the cage and the dark place and begin to let myself be seen. Light beings descend to where I am, an initiation is taking place. Integration I am in a water pool, with people on either side holding my arms to help me stay under the water with no effort from myself - Isis is here - part of the initiation - it is for me to journey in this pool - to learn to go beyond the physical body - and know it will be held and safe. I am turned to gold - like in the gold session - a bumble bee hovers in front of me. I am reminded how they at one stage were buzzing outside my bedroom window, which I thought was strange given there are no plants there at all. Then bee's flying into the room where I was working. Rest now they say... take time to allow all that has been done to settle...


Straight away feeling as if flying very fast while remaining rooted. Strongly working on eyes. Some old fears/patterns becoming very clear – to be dissolved. Rapid eye movements for a long time. ‘Only when you truly see you change’. From then on drifting in and of sleep. Eternity and a second at once. Peaceful. Quiet. a still lake behind the eyes that serves as a true reflection


A vision of a past life when I got murdered and after murdering my body is lying there and I just see all the men having sex with the dead body ~ I earn nothing I am nothing ~ falling in to the most darkest place I‘ve ever been and realize I am nothing ~ be there and it‘s fine ~ one moment there is coming a big light from above ~ see that one man is carrying my dead body after all this abuse to a place and buried me with some kindness and love the same man who murdered me. The light get stronger I just have to go there but not today. In the end my heart is getting so hot feels my hands burning on the chest. There is the love what I feel the hope that love never forget. The hope in love to be nothing and all together.


Strong vibration starting in my head and brain, moving through the whole body. Backside of my heart opening up, seeing ancient fertile landscapes, like jungle and open huge plateaus. My stomach got strongly worked on in a supporting way, giving space. Spirit felt like a warm embrace and I felt completely safe, nurtured and cared for. Loved to sink in like into a warm bath with precious silky water. Darkness, welcomed it without fear and hesitation and let it pass through my body and leave it again. After feeling of sensuality, body feels feminin. Still buzzing, ears ringing


Fingers feel super weird .. Expansive. Then very physical: nausea, burning gullet, saliva forming, itchy. Deep relax and bit agitation. Noisy tum , windy, farty , burpy. I was like Alice in wonderland -too big for house. My body the house- painful in parts as I stretch through- elongate in all directions. Especially Head hurts, elbows, temples, 3rd eye. Like crown of thorns around my head. Sharp and painful. I feel really unwell- holding it together. Scratching neck. Nausea. Poppy energy. White Dove. Sadness tears in my eyes. Massive expansiveness. Ecstatic. Heart and Sacral opening. Huge energy in yoni. Repeated sentence over again- A healthy sexual woman at the core. Empowerment. Gratitude and Love to all. Still a bit nauseous and noisy noisy tum!! Day after session I edit my raw share: During last night’s session, I wrote notes as I usually do-but many times I could hardly hold my pen, my writing a scrawl. Towards end strong voice told me to totally surrender to the medicine- no words to describe what happened. Depth of healing and renewal incredible. Gratitude